Bored? We know. Check out these 4 game-changing skills that you can learn or re-learn during your time at home. Productivity is the new Netflix, we promise!
Microsoft Office
- Most internships and jobs require proficiency
- Put it on your resume as a skill
- Easy tutorials on Youtube
- LinkedIn also offers free tutorials for a variety of professional skills
- More here: Linkedin Learning
- Learn to be an Excel master on Lynda
- See here: Excel – Online Courses, Classes, Training, Tutorials on Lynda
Keeping Track of Finances
- When times are uncertain, it is even more important to be organized with personal finances and learn where you can save
- Keeping track of personal finances is made so easy with so many online resources and apps including:
- The 7 Best Budget Apps for 2020
- Resources for education and student loans include:
- 5 Best Financial Education Websites & Resources
- Fun quizzes, even challenges for handwriting on Tik Tok that can be a fun exercise to practice cursive with siblings or friends
- Websites allow free printouts to practice cursive and printing
- Example: 5 Free Handwriting Practice Worksheets
- Everyone is typing on computers at home, so it is important not to lose this skill when things go back to in-class and note-taking and exams are back on our agenda
Foreign Language
- Some students might need to sharpen up skills before going abroad, others might want to complete their foreign language requirement at school, and still, some others might want to learn this new, essential skill that will stick with you for life
- There are many different applications and programs suitable for learning online: Apps like Duolingo
- Free courses to keep up that language requirement
- Examples: 49 Free Language Learning Websites That Are Almost Too Good to Be True