We all know the struggle of awkward zoom calls and breakout rooms. But, when you’re zooming with your sorority sisters, it’s a great opportunity to have some fun and maintain a close-knit sorority experience while distanced!
Now that it’s the middle of September, many chapters have finished recruitment and are perhaps thinking about ways for new members to bond with old members. During chapter meetings, we recommend taking some time to split sisters into breakout groups to catch up and talk in a more personal setting!
Here are some of our best ideas for bonding and having fun with your sisters virtually.
- Icebreaker Games
- Have every breakout room start off just checking in on everyone! Have new members and old members introduce themselves 🙂
- Everyone is dealing with different anxieties and stresses and a simple check-in does wonders, especially for those new to the school!
- Find 5 random and unique things you all have in common and then share when back in the main session.
- For example, if you all like extra cheese on your pizza, your fav snack is chips and guac, you love Harry Potter, etc.
- Make them interesting and funny
- You can use the white board to make it fun!
- Two Truths and a Lie
- An icebreaker classic to help everyone to learn more about each other and become more comfortable sharing about themselves!
- Virtual Room Tours
- Can help put members at ease to share something about their space with others.
- Also, members living in the house can show others what the house looks like!
- Netflix series you’re currently binging
- Connect with other people based off of mutual taste in shows, and get a few new suggestions for your next show to watch.
- Have every breakout room start off just checking in on everyone! Have new members and old members introduce themselves 🙂
- Classes to learn new skills! From yoga to cooking, everyone loves to learn something new or brush up on an old skill!
- Poll your chapter to see if anyone has any skills that they’d like to teach others! Some of your sisters might be yoga instructors, baking fanatics, or artists and want to help others learn some new things!
- In case no one is available to teach a class, everyone can watch the same class such as an exercise or cooking class on the same Zoom call.
- Chapter Trivia Night
- A great way for all sisters to learn about each other and connect!
- You can make the trivia general information about the chapter (when was it founded? Who are some famous alums?), or do it about specific members (Who is a huge fan of the Lakers?).
- This will help everyone feel closer to each other and especially for new members to learn more about the chapter and their sisters!